Long stay- Up to 20% off, Jaz Hotels, Eygpt Discount code on JAZ hotel group

                    "id": "101471561",
                    "title": "OFF 20%",
                    "description": "Book your long stay with  Jaz Hotels, Eygpt, and get 20% off while booking while using the given code.",
                    "thumbnail": "../stores/store_5026.w120.h120.jpg",
                    "code": "LONGSTAY",
                    "perma": "long-stay-up-to-20-off-jaz-hotels-eygpt",
                    "store_perma": "jazhotels",
                    "url": "/go.php?coupon_id=101471561&code=LONGSTAY",
                    "store_id": "5026"

shared 1 times     Expires in 3 months

20% OFF

Book your long stay with Jaz Hotels, Eygpt, and get 20% off while booking while using the given code.

Related Coupons / Deals

                    "id": "102399512",
                    "title": "OFF 45%",
                    "description": "Offer ends on: 31 Dec, 2025\r\nA break is long overdue!\r\nGet up to 45% off on bookings for 3 and more days.",
                    "thumbnail": "",
                    "code": "UKLONGSTAY45",
                    "perma": "45-off",
                    "store_perma": "oyorooms",
                                        "store_id": "6487"

Coupon OYO Rooms  •  shared 2 times     Expires in 10 months

Codice OFF 45%

Offer ends on: 31 Dec, 2025 A break is long overdue! Get up to 45% off on bookings for 3 and more days.
                    "id": "100000470",
                    "title": "OFF 10%",
                    "description": "Book your stay in advance and get up to 10% off to enjoy much more with your family.",
                    "thumbnail": "",
                    "code": "",
                    "perma": "advanced-purchase-rate-10-off-dukes-hotel-united-kingdom",
                    "store_perma": "dukeshotel-com",
                                        "store_id": "5085"

Deal Dukes hotel  •  shared 3 times     Expires in 2 months

OFF 10%

Book your stay in advance and get up to 10% off to enjoy much more with your family.
                    "id": "107804607",
                    "title": "OFF 10%",
                    "description": "Booking Window: 03\/03\/25 - 30\/11\/25\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nTravel Window: 11\/02\/25 - 30\/04\/26\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nOffer: 10% EXTRA with promocode 10RHDP25",
                    "thumbnail": "",
                    "code": "10RHDP25",
                    "perma": "save-10-at-rh-dukes-the-palm-2025-barcelo",
                    "store_perma": "barcelo-com",
                                        "store_id": "2069"

Coupon Barcelo     Expires in 9 months

Codice OFF 10%

Booking Window: 03/03/25 - 30/11/25 Travel Window: 11/02/25 - 30/04/26 Offer: 10% EXTRA with promocode 10RHDP25
                    "id": "101449854",
                    "title": "Early bird wins with breakfast- Rooms from THB 8,962.50 /night  | Chatrium Hotels & Residences, Thailand",
                    "description": "Book your stay early with Chatrium Hotels & Residences from a starting price of THB 8,962.50 \/night to enjoy the holidays with lots of fun.",
                    "thumbnail": "",
                    "code": "",
                    "perma": "early-bird-wins-with-breakfast-rooms-from-thb-896250-night-chatrium-hotels-residences-thailand",
                    "store_perma": "chatrium-hotels",
                                        "store_id": "2071"

Deal Chatrium Hotels     Expires in 2 months

Early bird wins with breakfast- Rooms from THB 8,962.50 /night | Chatrium Hotels & Residences, Thailand

Book your stay early with Chatrium Hotels & Residences from a starting price of THB 8,962.50 /night to enjoy the holidays with lots of fun.
                    "id": "94026735",
                    "title": "Royal Hideaway Corales Villas 2024",
                    "description": "Booking Window: from 26\/07\/2024 to 30\/06\/2025\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nTravel Window: from 26\/07\/2024 to 31\/12\/2025\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nMarkets: France, Belgium, UK\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\nLanguage: English (UK), French (France and Belgium)\r\n\r\nHotels: Royal Hideaway Corales Villas\r\n\r\nTop destinations: Canary Islands",
                    "thumbnail": "",
                    "code": "CORALESV10",
                    "perma": "royal-hideaway-corales-villas-2024",
                    "store_perma": "barcelo-com",
                                        "store_id": "2069"

Coupon Barcelo     Expires in 4 months

Royal Hideaway Corales Villas 2024

Booking Window: from 26/07/2024 to 30/06/2025 Travel Window: from 26/07/2024 to 31/12/2025 Markets: France, Belgium, UK Language: English (UK), French (France and Belgium) Hotels: Royal Hideaway Corales Villas Top destinations: Canary Islands
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